Tuesday, July 27, 2010

21clc thing 6

Finding the topic or the main question is the first problem. Nings seem to be a good source to find projects that have already started and to seek evaluations of projects that other people have completed. I look forward to spending more time on researching this site.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Thing 12 Delicious

How delicious. When my computer crashes I will still be able to recover my bookmarks. When I learn how to set tags that make sense, my site will be even more beneficial.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Thing 3, R'eading and Posting Blogs

When I do settle in and read already posted blogs, I am usually very inpressed with the quality of the writing and thoughts. I enjoy the postings, but usually do not have the time to spend. One of the postings that impressed me was dy/dan's homework article. He does emphasize that time management was key to accomplishing enough work in the class time allowed. Time on task, time on task, time on task. I guess this also relates to classroom management, an ever moving target.